GDPR – Consent to the processing of personal data

Dear Visitors,

In processing personal data, the company complies with the following PR PRODUCTION s. r. o. Headquarters: Černyševského 10, 851 01 Bratislava, ID No.: 53 572 394, registration in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Insert No. 150413/B (hereinafter also “ Operator “) this personal data processing policy:

  • the principle of legalityA: Personal data shall only be processed by the controller in a lawful, fair and transparent manner. Within the framework of this principle, the controller informs the data subject of the conditions for processing personal data and then actually processes his or her data in accordance with this information. The controller processes personal data on the legal basis set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as “Regulation GDPR“) and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendment and supplementation of certain laws (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Data Protection Act“), while complying not only with the GDPR Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Act but also with other relevant legislation.
  • Purpose limitation principle: The personal data shall be collected by the controller only for a specifically identified, explicitly stated and legitimate purpose. It is prohibited to process the personal data obtained for another purpose that is incompatible with the original purpose.
  • the data minimisation principle: the controller shall only process personal data which, in terms of their scope and content, correspond to the purpose of the processing and are necessary to achieve it. The controller shall not process personal data which are excessive, unnecessary and not necessary for the purpose for which they are collected.
  • Correctness principle: The controller shall process only correct and up-to-date personal data. If the controller establishes that the personal data is incorrect, he or she shall take all available measures to rectify or erase it.
  • the principle of minimum retention: the controller shall only process personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the stated purpose. When the controller has finished processing for the purpose in question, the personal data shall be destroyed.
  • the principle of integrity and confidentiality: the controller shall ensure the protection of the personal data it processes. To this end, the operator has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures.
  • Accountability principle: The fact that the controller processes personal data in accordance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act and complies with all its obligations is documented.

1. Purposes of processing and legal basis for processing your personal data

1.1 Processing of personal data for the purpose of publishing the creative work of the controller (photographs)

The purpose is to present the results of the creative activity and work of the operator to attract new potential clients on the operator’s website: Personal data are processed for marketing purposes.

The legal basis for the published photographs as the results of the creative work of the operator where the exception under Art. § 78 para. 1 of the Act, the legal basis is the written consent of the data subject. The consent of the data subject shall be provided by the client of the controller from whose social event the photograph originates on the basis of a mediation contract, unless you grant this consent directly to us in writing. The consent of the data subject – the legal representative is always required if the subject of the disclosure is to be the personal data of a minor – a child.

If, for objective reasons, it is not possible to secure the consent of the data subject for the taking and subsequent possible publication of photographs (e.g. impossibility to identify the participants in advance, large number of participants, conditions of the event, etc.), the legal basis is the legitimate interest of the controller. To this end, the operator has carried out a proportionality test.

1.2 Description of categories of data subjects and their personal data

The controller processes personal data in the following scope: natural persons – unspecified range of persons attending (natural persons) a social event or other event on the basis of the client’s consent, where the controller carries out its business activity on the basis of a contract with the client.

The controller processes the personal data of the data subjects in the following scope: special categories of personal data are processed – biometric personal data: photograph and/or visual and audio record of the natural person – the participant of the submission. If necessary, the name of the natural person – or other information captured in a photograph / sound recording image (e.g. name tag).

Categories of recipients: the recipient is us (the operator) and the interested party – the visitor to the operator’s website. The controller does not transfer personal data to third countries. However, viewing a website from a third country is available.

1.3 Time limits for erasure

The controller shall erase the personal data after 10 years from the date of their acquisition from the data subject, unless the data subject specifies otherwise. The time limit was set in connection with the possible defence of legal claims in passive litigation pursuant to Art. § 106, 107 et seq. Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended.

1.4 Processing of personal data for marketing purposes and online identifiers (cookies)

Personal data is processed for the purpose of sending marketing information and related marketing purposes. Personal data is processed, secured and stored by Google Analytics, operated by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. These cookies are primarily used to analyse the functioning and behaviour of visitors on the site. We cannot identify a specific visitor through the data we collect, but it allows us to put visitors into anonymised lists based on what specifically interested them on the site. Through this data we can provide more relevant advertising and information.

The legal basis in the case of a new customer is the consent of the data subject pursuant to § 13 para. 1 lit. (a) of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendment and supplementation of certain laws. Written consent to the use of cookies is given by the data subject by electronic means on the website of the controller:


The legal basis in the case of a regular customer (after consent has been granted) is the fulfilment of contractual obligations pursuant to § 13 para. 1 lit. (b) of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendment and supplementation of certain laws.

1.5 Description of categories of data subjects and their personal data

The controller processes personal data within the scope of:

  • Natural persons
    • Identification data: first name, last name, title,
    • Contact data: address of residence, e-mail address, or telephone number, online identifier, IP address, approximate location of access to the site, operating system, name of the page viewed, or. specific file, date and time of the request, user’s browser version.
  • Categories of recipients: the recipient is us (the operator) and the interested party – the visitor to the operator’s website. Viewing a website from a third country is available.

2. Time limits for erasure

The controller shall erase the personal data after 2 years from the date of their acquisition from the data subject, unless the data subject specifies otherwise. In the case of the processing of personal data on the basis of the performance of contractual obligations, the controller shall erase the personal data after 2 years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship with the data subject.

3. Rights under the GDPR and the Act

We would also like to inform you of your rights under the GDPR Regulation and the Data Subjects have the following rights:

  • Right of access to data: You have the right to know whether we are processing your personal data. If we process these, you can ask us for access to the data. Upon your request, we will issue a confirmation with information about the processing of your personal data by our company.
  • Right to correction: You have the right to have the personal data we process about you correct, complete and up-to-date. If your personal data is incorrect or outdated, you can ask us to correct or complete it.
  • Právo na vymazanie: Za určitých okolností máte právo, aby sme vaše osobné údaje vymazali. O vymazanie vašich údajov nás môžete požiadať kedykoľvek. Vaše osobné údaje vymažeme,
    • if we no longer need your personal data for the purpose for which you provided it to us;
    • you withdraw your consent;
    • you object to the processing of your personal data;
    • we process your personal data unlawfully;
    • personal data must be erased in order to comply with a legal obligation;
    • if you are a child, or. the parent of a child who has consented to the processing of personal data over the internet;
  • Právo na obmedzenie spracúvania: Môžete nás požiadať, aby sme obmedzili spracúvanie vašich osobných údajov. Pokiaľ vašej žiadosti vyhovieme, vaše osobné údaje budeme iba uchovávať a ďalej s nimi pracovať nebudeme. K obmedzeniu spracúvania vašich údajov dôjde, pokiaľ
    • notify us that your personal data is incorrect until we have verified its accuracy;
    • we are processing your personal data unlawfully, but you do not consent to its erasure and instead request that we only restrict the processing of your personal data;
    • we no longer need your data, but you need it to prove, exercise or defend your rights;
    • you object to the processing of your personal data until we have verified that our legitimate interests outweigh your reasons.
  • Right to data portability: you have the right to request that we provide you with your personal data in an electronic format (e.g. an XML or CSV file) that allows you to easily transfer your data to another company. You can also ask us to transfer your personal data directly to the company of your choice. We will comply with your request if you have provided us directly with your personal data and have given your consent for us to process it.
  • Right to object: You have the right to object to us processing your personal data. If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you can object to the processing at any time. Upon objection, we will delete your personal data. If we process your personal data in the following cases:
    • for the performance of a task in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority;
    • because of our legitimate interest;
    • creating a customer profile;
    • you can object to their processing if you have personal grounds for doing so.

4. Contact

With your request, e.g. if you do not agree or withdraw your consent to the publication of a photo of you – you can contact us in any of the following ways:

  • Simply contact us at,
  • by delivering a written request through the postal company to our address.

We will deal with all your requests and inform you of the outcome in the same way as you submit your request.

Thank you!